Female Health


Menopause is a problem that affects all women, and even now, so many women suffer unnecessarily thinking that what they are going through is just part of life. We now know that there is so much we can do to help women through menopause and beyond, to live healthier and happier lives.

One of the options for women going through the menopause is HRT, or ‘hormone replacement therapy’ which helps to replace some of the hormones that your ovaries stop making during and after the menopause. There is a lot of reliable AND unreliable information about HRT out there- please see below for some helpful resources.

Understanding the risk of breast cancer

This really helps to put in to perspective how HRT affects your risk compared to other lifestyle and medical factors.

The Menopause National Survey and

The effect of the menopause on UK women

These survey results show just how many women struggle at this time in their lives. You are not alone!

I think the following websites are really helpful for both women and healthcare professionals and I recommend taking a look.

The British Menopause Society

Advice and support from the experts!

Menopause Matters

A lot of patients find this site really helpful- sometimes you can feel very alone when you are struggling with symptoms, and the discussion forums here can be a great source of support.

My Menopause Doctor

Set up by Dr Louise Newson, a passionate advocate for good health in menopause, this site offers brilliant fact sheets and myth-busting information for women.